Thursday, 23 June 2016

Installing USB Support Software for Windows 95

If you are running an earlier version of Windows 95 (for example, Windows 95b), your operating system software does not automatically support USB (Universal System Bus) devices. You will need to install the Windows 95 USB driver usbsupp.exe before using USB devices with SunPCi. Figure 4–1 shows the location of the USB port on the backplate of the SunPCi board.

Note – Windows NT 4.0 does not support USB devices. The usbsupp.exe driver works only with Windows 95.

Checking Your Windows 95 Version

If you do not know which version of Windows 95 you have installed on SunPCi, follow these steps. You need to know the version number before you can install the USB driver.

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Debian http_proxy setting

Need to set a HTTP proxy within a Debian system ?
Assuming your proxy server is on and listening on port 3128, then the below may help …
( If you need authentication you can use username:password@ like you would in an old style web browser – e.g. http://username:password@ )

Reset Password Administrator Windows Server2012

Instructions To reset the password on your Windows 2012 server, simply complete the following steps: Boot from the Micrsoft Windows Ser...